About Image:Padma Bhushan Smt. Shobhana Tai Ranade, Smt. Rama Rauta, Smt. Ranjana Kayerkar, Smt. Ashwini Tillu.
( Dedicated to Protection& Promotion of Nature &Women’s Cause )
( Reg No. Mah/735/99, Pune exemption on U/S 80-g of the IT Act 1961)
National Women’s Organization (NWO) was formed in Pune in July 1998 by Smt Rama Rauta, dedicated to the protection and promotion of Nature and Women’s cause. It is working for a national movement to save Gandhi, Ganga, and Giriraj (Himalya). Gandhi stands for a culture of Truth and non-violence, i.e. a culture of pursuit of ethical perfection as the ultimate goal of life and pursuit of selfless ethical life of universal love as its means; Ganga stands for all our rivers; Giriraj stands for all our mountains, forests and wild-life.
A beginning was made by conducting an Ahimsa Rally from Aga Khan Palace to Yervada Jail, Pune on 1st Oct 1998 with the aim of creating awareness and raising voice against injustice and violence to women and to Mother nature through Gandhian non-violent means. It was decided to initiate a Save Ganga Movement to mobilize public opinion in favour of a culture of development based on the principles of non-violence replacing the present eco-hostile culture of development. Smt Rama Rauta received support from various eminent Gandhians such as Dr Sushila Nair(Gandhiji’s doctor), Shri Sunderlal Bahuguna, Dr Kanchanlata Sabbarwal, Dr Usha Mehta to lead the ‘Save Ganga Movement’ with Gandhian ideology. A Seminar on “Ganga aur hamaaraa daayitva” was held in Kanpur on 13 Nov 1998 to create awareness against the pollution of river Ganga and its tributaries. Renowned Gandhians Sri Sundrlal Bahuguna, Dr. Kanchanlata Sabarwal, the minister of urban development-U.P. Govt., the mayors of Lucknow and Kanpur and scientists, environmentalists, industrialists, social activists and many distinguished persons from Lucknow and Kanpur participated in it, and solemnly resolved to make this movement a national non-violent movement against the pollution of the Ganga and other rivers of our country. As of today with undettered dedication, Smt Rama Rauta has been successful in leading the movement for more than 15 years; the movement is supported by various eminent Gandhians, religious leaders from various faiths, legal experts , eminent political leaders and various scientific organisations such as IIT, CSIR labs such as NEERI, NBRI, ITRC and many like-minded NGOs. A holistic roadmap detailing short-term and long-term solution to the impending ecological crisis drafted by the continuous churning of the intellectuals associated with this movement has been a reference guide to the Governments working towards making the Ganga “Aviral ” and “Nirmal”.
Founder President,
Smt. Rama Rauta
Former Expert Member, NGRBA, Govt of India
Founder and Convenor, Save Ganga Movement
Email: ramarauta@rediffmail.com
Vice President
Dr. Ashwini Tillu,
Founding Member, National Women's Organization
Smt. Ranjana Kayerkar,
Founding Member, National Women's Organization
Important Activities of National Women’s Organization, Pune(NWO, Pune)
Seminar-Cum -Panel Discussions at Gandhi National Memorial, Aga Khan Palace, Pune on Gandhiji’s Punyatithi, 30th Jan,2000, 2001
On the local front, a two-month Yoga Course was arranged for Women from 4th Jan. 2000 at Ma Anandamai Ashram, Pune. It was followed by a Seminar “Gandhiji on Classical Indian and Modern Western Civilisations” was organised at the Aga Khan Palace on Gandhiji’s Punyatithi 30 Jan, 2000. (See the Notes on Gandhi for its Thematic Note).
In the chain of reflections over Gandhian thinking, a Seminar “Gandhiji on Science and Spirituality” was conducted at Aga Khan Palace Pune on 30 Jan 2001; it drew enthusiastic response from many spiritual leaders and scientists (See the Notes on Gandhi for its Thematic Note). A Workshop on Naturopathy was sponsored by Pune-based National Institute of Naturopathy on 3-4th Nov. 2001 at University of Pune.
Save Ganga Rally at Delhi (12th Nov, 2000)
A fervent appeal was made to the Hon’ble Rashtrapati K. R. Narayanan for his guidance and active support for our Save Ganga Movement. A national campaign was launched with a mass rally in Delhi on 12th Nov. 2000, with blessings from the then Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee and many eminent spiritual leaders including His Holiness Jagadguru Sri Sankaracharya of Kanchikotipuram, Rev. Dada J.P. Vaswani of Sadhu Vaswani Mission, Pune, in which eminent persons like Shri Sundarlal Bahuguna, Smt Tara Gandhi Bhattacharjee, Dr. Kanchanlata Sabarwal, Dr. Samprasad Vinod, etc. participated.
Save Ganga Yatra from Gangotri to Ganga Sagar (May 2002-Nov 2003)
The next two years have been devoted to coordinating the Save Ganga Yatra from Gangotri to Ganga Sagar in three phases from May 2002 to Nov 2003. (Please see our “Save Ganga Movement Project” for the details about the Yatra.) This campaign has attracted tremendous response from the masses and has raised the hopes of turning it into a mass movement. Many individual scholars and institutions engaged in environmental research have extended their unflinching cooperation in this Yagna. Several institutions have also joined us in setting up exhibits at the Rajghat Samadhi on the occasion of the Seminar Gandhi, Ganga, Giriraj during 1-3 Oct 2004.
1st National Workshop on ‘Gandhi Ganga and Giriraj’ (1st & 2nd October 2004)
In the National Workshop on ‘Gandhi Ganga and Giriraj’ held on the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti as a part of our Save Ganga Movement at Gandhi Darshan Samiti, Rajghat, Delhi on 1st and 2nd October 2004, the Charter of Ten Demands were unanimously accepted to be the Ten Commandments for establishing in our country a culture of development based on the principle of non-violence which constitute the base of all ethics. A book entitled Gandhi Ganga and Giriraj, published by Navajivan Publishing House, Ahmedabad, and NWO, Pune was released in the workshop.
Seminar-Cum – Panel Discussions at Gandhi National Memorial, Aga Khan Palace, Pune on Gandhiji’s Punyatithi, 30th Jan 2005
The NWO, Pune organized a Seminar cum Panel Discussion on “Gandhiji on Development, Environment, Morality and Spirituality” at Gandhi National Memorial, Aga Khan Palace, Pune on Gandhiji’s Punyatithi, 30th Jan, 2005.
Save Ganga & Save Himalayas March, New Delhi on 12th March, 2006
On the occasion the 76th Anniversary of Gandhji’s Dandi Yatra on12th March 2006, we organized a Save Ganga & Save Himalayas March from Bapuji’s Samadhi at Rajghat to Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi. Many Gandhian activists, paying tribute to Beloved Bapuji for his successful mission of Dandi Yatra in 1930, rededicated themselves to the cause saving the Ganga, a symbol of all rivers and water bodies, and the Giriraj Himalya, a symbol of all mountains, forests and wild life. Convener of the Save Ganga Movement, Smt Rama Rauta and Shri Sunderlal Bahugunaji presented the Charter of Ten Demands at the Rashtrapati Bhavan, appealing the Government to take time-bound actions to save the Ganga and the Himalaya. It was resolved to celebrate The Day of Dandi Yatra, 12th March, every year to rededicate ourselves to the mission of saving the Ganga & the Himalaya.
A delegation comprising of Rama Rauta, Rev. Vincent M. Concessao, Archbishop of Delhi, Rev. Sawami Nikhilanandaji of Chinmaya Mission, Delhi, Vasant Gadgil of Multiversity, Pune met the Prime Minister on13th March 2006 and presented the Charter of Ten Demands to Save The Ganga & The Himalyas, appealing the Government to take initiative in fulfilling the Mission.. The prime Minister said that he considers the Ganga to be the soul of India and assured that his government would urgently take the necessary steps in the noble mission to save the Ganga and the Himalayas. (For the details about the event, please see the report on the Save Ganga March at Delhi on 12th March 2006)
Seminar-Cum – Panel Discussions at Gandhi National Memorial, Aga Khan Palace, Pune on Gandhiji’s Punyatithi, 30th Jan 2006
The NWO also participated in the Survey work in the Uttaranchal region conducted by NBRI, Lucknow, from 14-30 May 2005 in connection with the proposed project, plantation on the banks of Ganga from Gangatri to Gangasagar. It organized a seminar, “Gandhiji on Truth and Non-violence” at the Aga Khan Palace, Pune on Gandhiji’s punyatithi 30 January 2006.
2nd National Workshop on ‘Gandhi Ganga and Giriraj’ (1st – 3rd October 2006)
The 2nd National Workshop on ‘Gandhi Ganga and Giriraj’ was organized on the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti as a part of our Save Ganga Movement from 1st to 3rd October 2006 at Haridwar, Uttaranchal to discuss further deeply on various major issues concerning Protection of the Ganga and the Himalayas as well as to create public awareness about it. As a part of the event, a seminar on ‘Gandhi Ganga and Giriraj’ was held at M.C. Mehta Environmental Foundation, Eco Ashram at Haridwar on 1st and 2nd October 2006. Many eminent persons addressed the public in a Save Ganga & Save Himalayas Public Meeting held at Har Ki Paudi, Haridwar on 3 rd October 2006. (For the details about the event, please see the introduction to our “Save Ganga Movement Project” on the website, www.savegangamovement.org.)
Seminar-Cum – Panel Discussions at Gandhi National Memorial, Aga Khan Palace, Pune on Gandhiji’s Punyatithi, 30th Jan 2007
We organized a Seminar cum Panel Discussion on “GANDHIJI ON FUNDAMENTAL UNITY AND TRUTH OF ALL GREAT RELIGIONS” at Gandhi National Memorial, Aga Khan Palace, Pune on Gandhiji’s Punyatithi, 30th Jan, 2007.
Save Ganga & Save Himalayas March, New Delhi on 12th March 2007
We organised the 2nd Save Ganga & Save Himalayas March from Bapuji’s Samadhi at Rajghat to Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi on 12-03-2007, the 77th Anniversary of Gandhiji's Dandi Yatra in the Centenary year of his Satyagrah in South Africa. A delegation comprising of Smt Rama Rauta, Rev. Swami Nikhilanandaji of Chinmaya Mission, Delhi, Rev Fr. Charles D’Souza, Archbishop’s House, Delhi, Anushree Rauta, NWO, Pune met Hon’ble Rashtrapatiji 4.30 p.m and presented the Charter of Ten Demands in the form of an appeal to Save The Ganga & The Himalayas. He was pleaded with to ensure that the government prevents completely dumping of untreated sewage from cities and towns and effluents from industries to rivers. (For the details about the event, please see the report on the Save Ganga March at Delhi on 12th March 2007 on the website, www.savegangamovement.org.)
Seminar-Cum – Panel Discussions at Gandhi National Memorial, Aga Khan Palace, Pune on Gandhiji’s Punyatithi, 30th Jan,2008
The NWO organized a Seminar cum Panel Discussion on “Gandhiji on Village Swaraj” at Gandhi National Memorial, Aga Khan Palace, Pune on Gandhiji’s Punyatithi, 30th Jan, 2008.
Save Ganga & Save Himalayas March, New Delhi on 12th March 2008
We celebrated the78th Anniversary of Gandhiji's Dandi Yatra in the form of a Save Ganga & Save Himalayas March from Bapuji’s Samadhi at Rajghat to Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi on 12-03-2008 . The March commenced with prayers near our beloved Bapuji’s Samadhi at 8:30 a.m on 12th March 2008 and concluded with the formal presentation of Our Charter of Ten Demands to Save the Ganga and the Himalayas in the form of an Appeal to our Hon’ble Rashtrapatiji at the Rashtrapati Bhavan. (For the details about the event, please see the report on the Save Ganga March at Delhi on 12th March 2008 on the website, www.savegangamovement.org.)
Seminar-Cum – Panel Discussions at Gandhi National Memorial, Aga Khan Palace, Pune on Gandhiji’s Punyatithi, 30th Jan,2009
The NWO organized a Seminar cum Panel Discussion on “Gandhiji on Interreligious Dialogue and Harmony” at Gandhi National Memorial, Aga Khan Palace, Pune on Gandhiji’s Punyatithi, 30th Jan 2009. The seminar was followed by a “Sarva Dharma Sama-bhava Rally” from Agakhan Palace to Yerwada Jail in which about 500/ 600 people participated. The Rally was organized by NWO in collaboration with various organizations like Prajapita Brahamkumari, Sadhu Vaswani Mission, Azam Educational Trust, Iskcon, Pune, Bahai group and GMGC, Pune, Adarsh Open School, St. Mira College, Poona College and other like-minded organizations, schools and colleges.
Save Ganga & Save Himalayas Meeting-cum-Panel Discussion, New Delhi 12th March 2009
We celebrated the79th Anniversary of Gandhiji's Dandi Yatra in the form of a Save Ganga & Save Himalayas Meeting- cum- Panel Discussion at Gandhi Darsan, from 9:30 a.m. to 1.pm, commenced after prayer near Bapu’s Samadhi, Raj`ghat, New Delhi on 12th March 2009.
A delegation consisting of Smt. Tara Gandhi Bhattacharjee, H.H Swami Tejomayanandji, Shri M.C. Mehta, H.H. Swami Nikhilanand, Revered Bishop Franco Mulakkal, and Smt Rama Rauta met our Hon’ble Prime Minister Manmohan Singh at 5.45 p.m. at his residence and requested him to implement all Our Charter of Ten Demands to Save the Ganga and the Himalayas, which was presented to him after our Save Ganga & Save Himalayas Rally at Delhi on 12th March 2006. To our deep satisfaction, the Prime Minister said that the government accepts in totality Our Charter of Ten Demands and said again that he considers the Ganga to be the soul of India. He said that the Government has also taken up a National Mission for saving the Himalayan Ecosystem as a part of the National Action Plan for Climate Change. (For the details about the event, please see the report on the Save Ganga & Save Himalayas Function at Delhi on 12th March 2009 in the website, www.savegangamovement.org)
Seminar-Cum – Panel Discussions at Gandhi National Memorial, Aga Khan Palace, Pune on Gandhiji’s Punyatithi, 30th Jan,2010
The NWO organized a Seminar cum Panel Discussion on “Gandhiji on Development, Environment, Morality and Spirituality” at Gandhi National Memorial, Aga Khan Palace, Pune on Gandhiji’s Punyatithi, 30th Jan, 2010.
Save Ganga & Save Himalayas Meeting-cum-Panel Discussion, New Delhi on 12th March, 2010
We celebrated the 80th Anniversary of Gandhji’s Dandi Yatra in the form of a Save Ganga & Save Himalayas Meeting- cum- Panel Discussion at Gandhi Darsan, Rajghat, New Delhi on 12th March, 2010. Shri Jairam Ramesh, Hon’ble Minister of Environment & Forests was the Chief Guest. (For the details about the event, please see the report on the Save Ganga & Save Himalayas Function at Delhi on 12th March 2010 in our website, www.savegangamovement.org.)
Save Ganga & Save Himalayas Yatra (October-December 2010)
We completed with grand success the 1st & 2nd phases of our “Save Ganga & Save Himalayas Yatra from Badrinath to Rameshwar” which commenced with a Gita- Ganga Gyan Maha Yagna along with a Save Ganga & Save Himalayas Exhibition from 21st to 24th October 2010 at Chinmaya Vidyalaya, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi ( organized by Chinmaya Mission, Delhi). In the course of the Yatra we held successfully Save Ganga & Save Himalayas Seminars /Workshops at Hardwar on 26th October (organized by NBRI Lucknow and Chinmya Vidyalaya, Hardwar), at Rishikesh on 27th October (hosted by Paramart niketan) and at HNB Central University, Srinagar on 29th October(organized by HNB Central University). The 2nd phase of the Yatra from Vrindavan to Varanasi commenced with a Save Ganga & Save Yamuna Workshop at Vrindavan (organized by Dr. Mohini Giri, Chairperson, Guild of services) on 5th December 2010. In the course of the Yatra, we held deeply satisfying quite successful Save Ganga Workshops/ Meetings at IIT, Kanpur on 7th December, (organized by IIT, Kanpur) at Allahabad on 9th December (organized by Chinmaya Mission & Ganga Sevak Samaj, Allahabad) at Sankat Mochan, Varanasi on 10th December (organized by Sankat Mochan Foudation, Varanasi) and at BHU, Varanasi on 11th December (organized by BHU, Varanasi).
(For the details about the Yatra, please see the report on the 1st and 2nd phases of our “Save Ganga & Save Himalayas Yatra from Badrinath to Rameshwar” in the website, www.savegangamovement.org.)
Seminar-Cum – Panel Discussions at Gandhi National Memorial, Aga Khan Palace, Pune on Gandhiji’s Punyatithi, 30th Jan, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
The NWO organized a Seminar cum Panel Discussion on “Gandhiji on Development, Environment, Morality and Spirituality” at Gandhi National Memorial, Aga Khan Palace, Pune on Gandhiji’s Punyatithi, 30th Jan, 2011. The Panel discussion was devoted to the issue of cleaning the rivers of Maharashtra with special reference to Pune-Rivers through “Pond System” and “Plant Based Management of Sewage and Waste Treatment.” In the function a charter of Six Demands in the form of an Appeal to the Chief Minister of Maharashtra to Save the Rivers of Maharashtra was unanimously accepted. As a part of our Save Ganga Yatra, the 30th January function was followed by a series of Save the Rivers of Maharashtra Seminars/Meetings at various important cities located in the Godavari and Krishna Basins in Maharashtra. The seminars/meetings we organized and sponsored by SERI, Pune. The NWO organized a Seminar cum Panel Discussion on the topic “What we must do to save the rivers of Maharashtra” at Gandhi National Memorial, Aga Khan Palace, Pune on Gandhiji’s Punyatithi, 30th January 2012 and also on 30th January 2013 and 2014 in which the charter of Six Demands to Save the Rivers of Maharashtra was again unanimously accepted.
Save Ganga & Save Himalayas Meeting-cum-Panel Discussion, New Delhi on 12th March, 2011
We celebrated the 81st Anniversary of Gandhji’s Dandi Yatra in the form of a Save Ganga & Save Himalayas Meeting- cum- Panel Discussion at Gandhi Darsan, Rajghat, New Delhi on 12th March, 2011 in which a Save Ganga & Save Himalayas Resolution was unanimously passed. H.H. Swami Tejomayanandaji, H.H. Swami Chidanandji, H.H.Swami Agnivesh, H.H.Swami Nikhilanandji, H.H. Acharya Lokesh Muni, H.H. Paramjit Singh Chandok, H.H. Swami Dharmanandji, Fr. Sebstien, Dr. Mohini Giri, Shri M.C. Mehta, Dr Vandana Shiva, Sri Rajendra Singh, Dr. Mohan Singh Rawat Gaonwasi, Prof. P. Pushpangadan, Prof. Rajavashistha Tripathy and many other distinguished scientists and social activists participated in the function. (The Save Ganga & Save Himalayas Resolution is available in our website, www.savegangamovement.org)
Save Ganga & Save Himalayas Meeting-cum-Panel Discussion, New Delhi on 12th March, 2012
We celebrated the 82nd Anniversary of Gandhji’s Dandi Yatra in the form of a Save Ganga & Save Himalayas Meeting- cum- Panel Discussion at Gandhi Darsan, Rajghat, New Delhi on 12th March, 2012. The topic of discussion was “What We Must Do to Save the Ganga.” (For the thematic note, see the note “The Means to Save the Ganga’ in the website.) The function was dedicated to Swami Gyan Swarup Sanadji ( Prof. G.D. Agarwal) who had been on a fast unto death since 14th January, 2012 to press for the conservation of the Holy Ganga. An appeal to our Hon’ble Prime Minister to take immediate action to accept the Save Ganga Recommendations/ Proposals of Swami Sanand on behalf of the Ganga Seva Abhiyanam (GSA) and save his valuable life was made unanimously in the National Save Ganga & Save Himalayas Meeting- cum- Panel Discussion. Last year’s Save Ganga & Save Himalayas Resolution was again unanimously passed in the Save Ganga & Save Himalayas Function and was sent to the Prime Minister along with the Appeal. The Save Ganga Recommendations/ Proposals of our Save Ganga Movement and of the Indian Parliamentarians Forum for Save Ganga & Himalayas and of the Ganga Seva Abhiyanam (GSA) of are essentially the same: they have a common core and are complementary to each other with reference to non-core Recommendations/ Proposals. (Please see our website, www.savegangamovement.org for the report on the Save Ganga & Save Himalayas function).
Save Ganga & Save Himalayas Meeting-cum-Panel Discussion, Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan, Mumbai on 2nd October 2013
A one day Save Ganga & Save Himalayas Meeting-Cum-Panel Discussion was organized on 2nd October 2013 at Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan, Mumbai on the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti in which a Charter of 7 recommendations were unanimously made to the government to save the Ganga symbolizing all rivers and water bodies and the Himalayas symbolizing all mountains, forests and wildlife. (Please see our website, www.savegangamovement.org for the report on the Save Ganga & Save Himalayas function)
Save Ganga & Save Himalayas Meeting-cum-Panel Discussion at at Gandhi Darsan, Rajghat, New Delhi on 12th March 2013 and 12th March 2014)
Like in the previous years, the Anniversary of Gandhji’s Dandi Yatra was celebrated in the form of a Save Ganga & Save Himalayas Meeting- cum- Panel Discussion at Gandhi Darsan, Rajghat, New Delhi on 12th March, 2013 and 20141. There was free frank critical discussions on various aspects of the issue what short-term and long-term time-bound course of actions we must take to save the Ganga symbolizing all rivers and water bodies and the Giriraj Himalayas, symbolizing all mountains forests and wildlife. (Please see our website, www.savegangamovement.org for the reports on the Save Ganga & Save Himalayas functions)
The NWO aims at initiating a nation-wide non-violent movement on Gandhian lines to safeguard our society from ecological degradation. We also plan to launch the movement for transforming Gandhi memorials and ashrams into centers of moral and spiritual awareness, inter-religious dialogue and harmony, and social transformation based on ethical foundations. We pay tribute to Bapuji through arranging a seminar on 30th January every year at the Gandhi National Memorial, Aga Khan Palace at Pune, not only to pay tribute to Bapuji but at the same time to reflect over his thoughts and actions in which people from different streams of life and belonging to different religions participate. It is greatly agonizing to see that Gandhians and Gandhian Institutions are hardly doing anything substantial to complete the unfinished work of our beloved Bapu, the apostle of Truth and non-violence of our age. Gandhiji would have given top priority to create a mass Satyagraha to replace the immensely eco-hostile form of development of modern Western civilization by an eco-friendly non-violent form of development. (For suggestions to transform Gandhian Institutions, please see the Note entitled “Saving Gandhi and Gandhian Institutions in India.” in the website, www.savegangamovement.org.)
It is deeply satisfying that our Save Ganga Movement has succeeded to a great extent to bring under one umbrella various like-minded eminent scientists, social workers, and organizations, Gandhians, spiritual leaders, and organizations to work together for the absolutely non-controversial noble cause of Saving the Ganga and the Himalayas.
We gratefully acknowledge the dedicated efforts of many social workers, environment activists, and scientists from all over the country, and generous support of many philanthropists in this endeavor. It may not be possible to list each and every supporter in the long inventory of our well-wishers and activists, who have enthusiastically participated in the mass movement. But I wish to single out the inspiring guidance we received from late Professor K J Shah in initial stages; we pay homage to his memory. We also express our deep gratitude to H.H. Swami Tejomayanandji, Worldwide Head, Chinmaya Mission, Revered Acharya B.K.S.Iyanger, H.H Swami Nikhilanandji, Chinmaya Mission, Delhi, H.H. Archbishop Vincent M.Concessao, late H.H Acharya Mahapragyaji, H.H. Swami Chinmayanandji, Parmarth Ashram, Haridwar, H.H.Swami Chidanandji, Rishikesh, Dr. G.D.Agarwal, late Revered Apa Shripad N Kulkarani, Rev. Shri Sundarlal Bahugunaji, Smt Tara Gandhi Bhattacharyaji, to late Dr Kanchanlata Sabarwal, late Professor Ramchandra Gandhi, late Dr.Sushila Nair, Dr. S.C. Rai (Ex Mayor, Lucknow), Dr. Mohini Giri, Guild for Services, Dr Veerbhadra Mishra for their blessings and continued moral support to the cause; to eminent computer scientist Dr. Vijay Bhatkar, noted environmentalist, Supreme Court Advocate Shri M.C Mehta, Dr P. Pushpangadan (Ex- NBRI, Lucknow), Dr. Vandana Shiva, Navdanya, Delhi, Dr P.K Seth (Ex-Director, ITRC, Lucknow), Shri Srivatsji Goswami, to scientists Dr S.N. Upadhyaya (Director ,I.T BHU) Dr B.D. Tripathi, BHU, Dr. Vinod Tare Dr U.N. Rai, from NBRI, Lucknow, Dr. Krishna Gopal Dubey, Dr. V.P Sharma from ITRC, Lucknow, Dr. T.K. Ghosh, Mr. Arun Kanti Biswas, Dr Ketkar from NEERI, Nagpur, Dr. Sunil Joshi for their valuable contributions and active support for the Save Ganga Movement. I also like this opportunity to express my thanks to Shri Jitendra Desai, Managing Director, Navjivan press for publishing our book Gandhi, Ganga and Giriraj and Professor Lachman Khubchandani for editing the book; to Mr. Amol Sale & Mr. Amir for designing our website, www.savegangamovement.org; to Chartered Accountant, Shri P.K. Joshi for his valuable moral support and help to our organization; and to our trustees Dr. Ashwini Tillu, Smt Ranjana Kayerkar, Rev Geeta Iyengar and other members of NWO for ready co-operation in organizing the activities.
Lastly, on a personal note, I’ll be failing in my duty if I do not express my fond loves and gratitude to my two daughters for their continuous help in midst of their studies, and to my philosopher husband for his moral support and guidance in the noble pursuit.
Request for Sponsorship and Donation
Individuals or organizations desirous of helping or participating in our Save Ganga Movement are requested to contact me. As we are self-supporting, for all our activities, we have to depend on the funds generated through donation. Please draw the Demand Draft / Cheque in the name of National Women’s Organization, Pune. Donations are approved under Section 80G of Income Tax Act, 1961.