Food for thought for Holi, Good Friday, Ram Navami, Hanuman Jayanti and Mahaveer Jayanti

Food for thought for Holi, Good Friday, Ram Navami, Hanuman Jayanti and Mahaveer Jayanti

Some Food for Thought and Soul for Holi, Good Friday, Navratri, Rama Navami, Hanuman Jayanti, and Mahaveer Jayanti 2021

Dear Friends,

Namaskar. On these auspicious occasions, wish you all good health, happiness, peace, and prosperity. Let us pray God and Divine Mothers to help us to walk always on the path of Truth, seeking His righteousness through working ethically for His Kingdom (Rama Rajya) to the best of one's abilities in the best possible way, making a constant effort to grow towards ethical perfection with a detachment to the fruits of one's actions in the spirit of the teachings of mother Gita. The life and teachings of Lord Krishna teach us how one can lead a colourful ethical life of profound permanent inner peace and happiness while being engaged in one's professional and family duties, dealing with even great storms of life with great courage, patience, and humility, with a detachment to the fruits of one's actions.

Mahatma Gandhi rightly claims: "That you cannot serve God and Mammon is an economic truth of the highest value. We have to make our choice. Western nations are today groaning under the heel of the monster-god of materialism. Their moral growth has been stunted. Let us first seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and the irrevocable promise is that everything will be added unto us. These are real economics. May you and I treasure them and enforce them in our daily life."

We must not have the present culture of development of modern civilization, which has caused through unethical use of science and technology disappearance of tens of thousands of plant and animal species, and continues to cause greater and greater harm to our ecologically, aesthetically, and religiously invaluable life-&-health-sustaining natural eco-systems of mother Nature, which will have catastrophic consequences for our masses, future generations, and the dumb and deaf life-world. The great teachers and seers of various great religions directly or indirectly claim that pursuit of wealth and pleasure within the limits of ethics is absolutely necessary not only for the pursuit of Truth, i.e. the true ultimate goal of life, but also for lasting happiness, peace, and prosperity in the society. But humans under the spell of the glamour of the present culture of development of modern civilization which Mahatma Gandhi considered being satanic and a nine days wonder only, have become the most dangerous species of our planet mother Earth, although every human has the potentiality to become a divine being, i.e. a spiritually enlightened person. All other species can exist without humans, but the human species can't exist without them. So far we know, only human beings have the capacity to become a divine being or a devil by exercising one's free will and reason within the journey of one's life between birth and death. We must know that in the context of present very grave global environmental crises, the more and more concrete forests is bound to create less and less natural forests, and the less and less natural forests are bound to create less and less pure food, pure water, pure air, etc., which is absolutely necessary for a healthy life. And healthy life is necessary for the pursuit of all the four goals of life, i.e. Dharma (the ethical good life), Artha (wealth), Kama (pleasure), and Moksha (liberation).

We must realize that (A) We must have the profoundly ethics-based, nature-friendly, village-friendly, agro-friendly, sustainable, equitable, loving, and caring Gandhian non-violent culture of decentralized industrialization and urbanization, which is based on the fundamental ethics of all great religions in the context of our present technological age, and is the surest and perhaps the only long-term permanent solution to the impending catastrophic global ecological crises, including the crisis global warming and climate change, along with the present all-pervasive deep-rooted global moral and spiritual crises. (B)We must have such a profoundly ethics-based non-violent culture of development in the basin of mother Ganga. (C) Such a non-violent culture of development is not possible without the rejuvenation and preservation of our great river mothers and their sources our great mountains and forests, which is absolutely necessary for ensuring permanent food, water, air, and health security to our both urban and rural masses, future generations and the dumb and deaf life-world. (D) Rejuvenation and preservation of our National River mother Ganga, the lifeline of nearly 40 percent of our population and considered to be a divine mother by crores of our people for ages, and her source the Himalayas, would be a major step in the right direction for the rejuvenation and preservation of our other great river mothers and their sources. They provide their invaluable services freely with zero use of fossil fuels.

Let us not be modern Dhritarashtras under the spell of the glamour of the present form of development of modern civilization which Mahatma Gandhi rightly considered to be satanic and a nine days wonder only. Our future generations would curse and condemn us if we don't save our great river mothers and their sources our great mountains and forests, which are all in the process of slow death.

Mrs. Rama Rauta
Save Ganga Movement