Gandhiji said in 1945: “I believe that if India is to attain true freedom and through India the world as well, than sooner or later we will have to live in villages in huts not in palaces.” In Harijan on 4th August 1946 Gandhiji wrote: “When our villages are fully developed, there will be no dearth in them of men with a high degree of skill and artistic talent…. Today the villages are dung heaps. Tomorrow they will be like tiny gardens of Eden where dwell highly intelligent folk whom no one can deceive or exploit. ....”
We would like to sincerely try, as pilot projects, to transform some villages in the light of the Gandhian conception of Village Swaraj into ideal modern eco-villages with natural farming/ organic farming, Cottage Industry, ideal Gosalas, naturopathy centers, use of renewable energies such as solar energy, biogas, etc. with the mission of Zero Use of Fossil Fuel, etc., as an experiment to test the claim of our beloved Bapuji about the importance of Village Swaraj. We would like to have one pilot project each in some rural area of Odissa, Maharashtra and Uttarakhand.
To begin with, we will create some ‘Senior Citizens' Home' for noble intellectuals and emminent persons , each along with a Naturopathy Centre & an ideal Gosala with natural farming/ organic farming, etc., where likeminded eminent Senior Citizens from different streams of life can live together with dignity .
• An opportunity to serve the society through collective effort with the help of their valuable knowledge, skill and wisdom
• Support to experiment with the Gandhian Village Swaraj along with creating the necessary mass awareness for the rejuvenation and preservation of our life-&-health-sustaining ecologically, aesthetically and religiously invaluable natural eco-systems with the help of their valuable knowledge, skill and wisdom.
• Get due love, respect, security, comfort, medical and other necessary care in an eco-friendly atmosphere.
We have chosen some rural & tribal undeveloped area in Odissa to start the 1st Pilot Project. Interested likeminded noble industrialists/ institutions/ organizations, experts, etc. are requested to help us to make the effort a grand success.